Monday, April 23, 2012

April salamanders

It would be too difficult to summarize my amphibian/children/friend packed week in a blog post, so here it is - salamander style.

Part 1: I was in Maine helping my dear friend Lucy with her amphibian camp. Many salamanders to be found!
We counted spotted salamander egg masses in various ponds and vernal pools on MDI
Caught stream salamanders (two-lined) in Mill Brook at the Cox property
Found two headless spotted salamanders...
We also found frogs. And on my last night in town Matt showed me some live spotted salamanders hanging around in some pools. What a relief! Spring without holding a real spotted would have been disappointing.

Part 2: Opening weekend at the Cove - could not leave until I thoroughly searched the stream for salamanders. Of all addicting pastimes, I feel pretty OK about this one.

Not sure what species- maybe dusky.
Northern red
Long-tailed. My favorite- hands down.
Tomorrow I will begin my journey to lands with no salamanders, so I'm very glad to have spent some quality time with these guys this past week.
Next up: Reptiles in Arizona!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Paint Pig

In high school I got to move my room to the basement, so of course the next step was to go crazy with paint and cover an entire wall with really cool arty designs. And by that I mean we had a paint fight and some went on my wall too.

Over the years, the wall became a place for friends to write random things on when they visited. There were at least 7 languages on the wall, and other pleasant surprises:

But alas (insert comments about growing up and eventually moving out of my house), the day of painting over my wall has finally come. Mixed feelings of remembering good times with old friends, anger over WHY we thought it was a good idea to glue feathers on the wall, and puzzlement about why there are pink spots emerging under the fresh coat of white paint...

Not happy about being a paint pig this time.
Cat in the Hat?
I am hitting myself for not taking a recent pic, as this is one from four years ago, but it is essentially the same. Maybe a couple more languages and donuts. I miss you, wall. You will always be remembered by the weird lumpy spots underneath the paint.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

What I Like About Not Being in School: Part 2

Relaxing: Tulips in the front yard and nothing to do all day but admire them, go on bike rides, organize my room, walk around barefoot and get yelled at by ladies on the street for it, hanging out with random dogs at Ft. Reno.

Traveling: Last week my brother, dad, and I went on a short midwest college trip. It wasn't so much of a college trip for me as much as it was a chance to see old friends. First stop was Oberlin. I stayed with Cynthia and we even got to go herping around a pond! Next we drove to Ann Arbor and I spent the night with DC friends.

Exploring DC: Navigating tourists on my bike, seeing corporate-world during their lunch break-- a fascinating world that I have zero experience in; it includes meeting my mom for lunch at Naan and Beyond. SO good. More DC exploring to come.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Camping (Mis)adventures

Cynthia, Sara, and I went camping (in cabins) for a few day in Shenandoah National Park. Some parts went smoothly, other parts were sooo stupid! 

Task: Drive part of Skyline Drive and make it to first cabin.
Result: Success! Incredible views, found cute lil Corbin Cabin, though we did not bring enough light sources.

Task: Hike Old Rag.
Result: Mixed. Did not check maps (shame on my maps and nav skills) so we went the wrong way for 2 miles. Got to the rock scramble while storm clouds gathered. Made it to the summit! Then, HUGE BOLTS OF LIGHTNING. We ate a gremlin lunch under some rocks.

They are called the Blue Ridge Mountains for a reason!

Impending storm.

It's an adrenaline lunch!

Task: Make it back to our cabin from Old Rag.
Result: Yes! We made it back 20 minutes before dark. Hiking back 7 or 8 miles through severe blisters, chafing, and exhaustion.

This sums up our accidental 16-mile day quite accurately.
At least we didn't hike Old Rag in a thunderstorm with a BABY like one family we saw. We're not that stupid!
All in all, it was a wonderful week outside in the mountains. I'm pretty sure I can never go back to normal backpacking, because wow staying in Potomac Appalachian Trail Club cabins was so convenient. Wood fire stove on a cold March night while camping? Yes please, all the time please! On the other hand, I do have my new tiny and extremely portable camp stove, so maybe real camping will happen too.
I'm in love.