Saturday, April 7, 2012

What I Like About Not Being in School: Part 2

Relaxing: Tulips in the front yard and nothing to do all day but admire them, go on bike rides, organize my room, walk around barefoot and get yelled at by ladies on the street for it, hanging out with random dogs at Ft. Reno.

Traveling: Last week my brother, dad, and I went on a short midwest college trip. It wasn't so much of a college trip for me as much as it was a chance to see old friends. First stop was Oberlin. I stayed with Cynthia and we even got to go herping around a pond! Next we drove to Ann Arbor and I spent the night with DC friends.

Exploring DC: Navigating tourists on my bike, seeing corporate-world during their lunch break-- a fascinating world that I have zero experience in; it includes meeting my mom for lunch at Naan and Beyond. SO good. More DC exploring to come.

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