Friday, September 22, 2017

an Idaho day

Of course, it is the end of the season and I have yet again neglected to blog. I’ve lost track of the number of time I’ve started a post like that!
So here’s a short one to just check ‘blog’ off of my to-do list.

This blog post doesn’t quite have a theme- it’s more about how random my days can be out in Idaho. Here’s a snippet of a weekend day where I work a bit and play a bit- pretty typical.

I woke up bright and early in my car next to the Salmon River. I had picked a river put-in to park my car at, and the sunrise was perfect there! Very pink.
Next stop: Drove to the nearest hot spring right off the highway and took a pre-breakfast soak, then got fancy breakfast at the Stanley Bread Company.
Drove to the Stanley Ranger Station which was closed so I wandered around with my handheld radio until some people who worked there realized I was trying to find someone from the forest to help me out.
Got directed to get my radio programmed at the fire station.
Tried to shoot the shit with the firefighters while they tried to program my radio and realized that I am about 0% good at that (the chatting with the fire crew part).
My radio was completely locked so they let me borrow theirs for the week, thank goodness.
Drove on the Ponderosa Scenic Byway towards Boise, stopping to pee and snarf a pastry from the bakery.
Stopped at a cute little town to find the post office, and had a successful post office direction honing trip.
Met up with Bridget at the Boise library and transferred all of the bags of glass recyclables to her truck because we missed the window of being able to drop it off in Boise (the only place to do glass recycling in all of Idaho!)
Wandered the Boise farmers market and ate sambusas (with potato) and saw the cutest puppies in all of the land.
Decided we wanted to go tubing on the river so we tried to find tubes in Boise for quite a while.
Found tubes at the tire store despite some man telling us that summer was over, and figured out our car shuttle.
Floated the river pretty late in the afternoon. Results: pretty cold by the end of the two hours, lots of peeing in the river, success with the sets of rapids and directions, and one epic beer rescue.

Got out and car shuttled then headed downtown in search of the fabled Basque food of Boise.
Found a bar with Basque food, devoured very meaty sandwiches pretty much without breathing, ate our dinnertime dose of potatoes, wrote postcards.
Followed friend’s directions and drove up a street from the capitol until in turned to dirt, then kept going until we got to a trails parking lot with a grand view of Boise.

Made a nest in the back of the truck and slept a wee bit, because it turns out our sleep spot was a popular gathering and chatting and laughing very loudly spot for other Boise-ans.

And that’s a day!

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