Tuesday, June 16, 2015

on the daily

In the Death Valley dorms, a group of people would participate in an ongoing monthly fitness challenge, like abs in January and squats in February. I did a couple sessions, but mostly my excuse for not doing a daily fitness regime was that I hiked miles in the desert every day for work and all I wanted to do was sit around and not exert energy.

But now the days of hiking while carrying 50 lbs of metal are gone, so it’s time to enact a fitness challenge of my own. I have decided to do a headstand every day, to keep the doctor away. Every day this summer (starting today, Day 1 of Staff Week) I will do a headstand in a scenic location for one whole minute. I can move my legs around but they can’t touch the ground, and that’s the only rule.

Maybe it won’t be as effective as an ab workout, but I think I’ll enjoy the view more. And do a lot more tick checks on my head.