Friday, June 14, 2013

Dang DC...

I'm only in town for a week, and so I'm trying to make the most of it. I've never done a real 'DC Summer', so on Tuesday I decided to test my luck at getting out and about in the city, instead of just lazing at home.

Tuesday in Bar Harbor means pick-up ultimate frisbee, and by chance it turns out that Tuesday evenings in DC are also frisbee nights on the mall. Lucky day- I was missing it.

I went down to the mall and joined in on the games for a couple of hours, silently freaking out to myself about how gorgeous the sky swirled around the Washington Monument as dusk fell. I made a pact with myself that I would try my darndest to watch the sunset on the National Mall every night that I was home.

Yesterday I got my chance, armed with a camera this time, in hopes that I could capture the magnificence of the mall in the evening. Let me back up and say that my favorite thing about DC summers are the thunderstorms. I don't get to see many thunderstorms in Maine during the year, and didn't see any while I was in Alaska, so I've been quite happy that there has been some crazy weather every day this week. And it makes for gorgeous sky colors.

So back to yesterday afternoon-- I met up with my friend Rachel from school, right before the wild 3-minute storm hit. One minute all was calm, the next minute saw torrential downpours and tent-ripping gusts of wind. As recent graduates from hippie college, we ran around barefoot eating strawberries and soaked it up!

We made our way to the mall, lo and behold the sky was indeed incredible! That blue against the capitol building, calm after the storm... can't get enough!

Later on in the evening, I wandered the mall as the sun was setting, true to my self-pact. Here are
some pictures of how pretty DC is. What-a-city!

Monday, June 10, 2013

What's in your backpack?

I thought it could be fun to dump everything out of my all-purpose school backpack and see what I'm really carrying around. I like to be prepared for anything that could happen, and in Maine you never really know what the day could hold weather-wise.

It's funny to see which things come in handy at which times. For example, while in the middle of a conversation about determining personality types, I realized that I had a handout about personality types in my folder... good thing!

I also frequently come across people who need tape or glue. My donut tape dispenser is actually my favorite thing in the world (aside from my now forever-confiscated camping stove, RIP), good for hanging up posters, taping letters, birthday surprises, etc.

The other most useful thing in my backpack of late has been a spare shirt. Rain, sweat, frisbee... so useful. And the INSECT one is particular is good for getting asked many times: "Ummm is there a story behind your shirt or something?"

Ok I know I keep saying this, but I think I'll blog about something interesting that I did soon. Promise. Sumer break!!