Monday, June 10, 2013

What's in your backpack?

I thought it could be fun to dump everything out of my all-purpose school backpack and see what I'm really carrying around. I like to be prepared for anything that could happen, and in Maine you never really know what the day could hold weather-wise.

It's funny to see which things come in handy at which times. For example, while in the middle of a conversation about determining personality types, I realized that I had a handout about personality types in my folder... good thing!

I also frequently come across people who need tape or glue. My donut tape dispenser is actually my favorite thing in the world (aside from my now forever-confiscated camping stove, RIP), good for hanging up posters, taping letters, birthday surprises, etc.

The other most useful thing in my backpack of late has been a spare shirt. Rain, sweat, frisbee... so useful. And the INSECT one is particular is good for getting asked many times: "Ummm is there a story behind your shirt or something?"

Ok I know I keep saying this, but I think I'll blog about something interesting that I did soon. Promise. Sumer break!!

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