Monday, January 21, 2019

in search of Lunch Cake overseas

Well my bag is packed, my car is inspected and registered, I said goodbye to a lot of people, I saw the lunar eclipse, I showered , I journaled, I vaguely attempted to clean my room. So, totally ready to to embark on my international adventure! I do not know if I have ever done an international Cake For Lunch post, but I just downloaded every app that I could potentially need and Blogger was one of them, so we shall see if I end up following through.
Mostly my prep week has consisted of looking at all the stuff I think I need, asking wise friends if they think I don't need items on my list, ignoring what they say because I love bringing EVERYTHING, and rearranging things every so slightly. I have also done lots of tiny errands and made lots of 'daily goals' lists so that I can feel better about checking things off.

One of my goals for this year was to be better at decision making. I don't expect a full transformation, but I at least want to practice just making a decision and not lamenting too much if it was the wrong one. For example, I had to decide to take my slightly bigger but quite moldy frame pack, or my new but small and less-loved but clean pack to New Zealand. I decided on clean, so there's no going back! This trip in general will be a good test of decision making. Of being OK with decisions I make, of not deliberating too much, of realizing that sometimes I will make a bad decision and it might end in misadventure but it's all part of the ~journey~. To be continued... hopefully on the sooner side!

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