Tuesday, March 15, 2022

who woulda thunk it

A year ago I was wrapping up my last course in Texas and then all of sudden... it was time to go into camp mode. March 2021 was full of confusion, imposter syndrome, interviewing new staff, goodbyes, and contemplative road tripping. Has it truly been a year since then?? It's got to be at least three years... so here is my attempt to lay out *parts of* this past year in the form of:

Things I never thought I'd do ever but it happened.

I'll try and make it a fun mix. 

Never thought I would....

...be in charge of an entire program during Covid. I really had the thought "Gosh I'm so glad I don't have to be in charge" SO many times during early 2020. Even when I came to the Cove to help Vini run the one camp session of 2020, I was very glad to be a co-plotter and not the final decider. But of course.. we were in charge of all those masking and testing and symptom tracking decisions this past year. And we still are.. dammit.

...actually enjoy hanging out with babies. A lot of people in my life had babies this year. And I shocked myself by really enjoying my time cooing at, walking around with said babies, and ooo-ing and ahhhh-ing at them eating solid foods. Turns out babies are pretty cute!

...be solidly in one place for a whole growing season. In April with the help of Scott and Eliza I turned the first beds in the garden, and in late November Jennifer and I put the last layer of hay on top of the freshly weeded garden so it can rest until spring. I loved every bit of having my own garden. Even when the ram pump didn't work and I couldn't for the life of me stay on top of weeding, being down there to see the huge sunflowers and troves of tomatoes brought me a ton of joy

...drive an old ford tractor. This is the tractor David has at the Cove to mow all the fields every fall so that they don't turn into forest. I had to learn to start it and stop it... neither of which are at all simple because 1. There is no starter, you have to touch two wires together for the correct amount of time 2. If it's too cold and you mess up on the said amount of time, you can't start it 3. It will only stop on very certain terrain because it barely has brakes.

   ...speak in front of 300+ people. Public speaking is definitely my least favorite thing. Vini always joked about how scared I was during my very first inspection skit as a wee 16 year old staff member where I got up in front of the entire camp and was visibly quaking... so maybe it was weirdly fitting that 14 years laster I stood up with my dear co-directors at Vini's memorial service and gave a speech. I sure as heck tried to not look at anyone during our speech, but was pleasantly surprised that I did not quake and in fact, it went pretty well. Here is us and the shirtless guy who kept circling on his bike during the service.

...help evac a camper from an overnight accompanied by two goats. There is just no way I could have every predicted that... I mean come on. It turned out to be our only good story of the summer. Like, when anyone asked for how summer was : "well... this one time..."

... haul a dead deer carcass from near the main lodge to a farther woods location. Just part of our duties as camp directors... I never knew! And I am definitely not looking forward to that part when I return to the Cove in a few weeks.

And surely there are a million other things that I can't think of, but I need to finally post a blog, so that's all I got! 

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