Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Satan, The Darkroom Rat

Roight. There has been a rat living in the camp darkroom that has been the bane of many a Dark Lord's (darkroom manager's) existence. It took the bait without getting caught in the trap, scared the campers, and pooped and peed all over the place. Charming, no?

Long story short, the girl's loo started smelling like death, and eventually the remains of the darkroom rat was found in the wall. But there have been many tales regarding the rat (aka Satan) so that his legend lives on.

1. Rat cake for Hilmi's birthday (in addition to various other rat-related presents)! I love this picture because the rat is next to the cheese. And the rat is wearing a party hat.

2. A folklore night tall tale of the pet rat who turned out to be evil.

3. Zombie-Rat themed final exam: The staff were brainwashed by the zombie darkroom rat and his minions, and their brains turned to mush.

4. Blowing up the rat cake!
and Hilmi runs away gleefully...

1 comment:

  1. Darkroom rat reminds me of mousie, who pitter-patters at Veazey but is not a Sith mouse, no.
