Sunday, February 26, 2012

It had to happen sometime...

We, the residents of Bar Harbor, like to joke about the stupid tourists who get stuck on Bar Island because they don't realize that the bar is only a bar at low tide. Then they have to get rescued by the coast guard, ha ha ha! Why they so stupid??

Fast forward to today. Taylor and I decided to visit Bar Island on his last day in town. We checked the tide charts. Twice. Low tide was at 7:30. We got there at 9:30. Easy Peasy, plenty of time! We almost blew away, but we made it to the island and spent about 20 minutes thawing in a meadow. Then we strolled back out to cross back to town and then.... WATER! Covering part of the bar!! How could this be?? So we ran. And screamed. And froze our feet and legs.

This was the shallow part, after we calmed down a bit.

So stupid!!
It had to happen once. And it was most likely helped along by our extreme amounts of gimpitude.