Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why you so stupid??

You should get fired right now! How do you do this? You so stupid!

... these are basically the only words we've been saying in the kitchen lately (besides songs). I'm not sure how it started, but every time we drop something or mess up in some way, Maia and I start calling each other "Stuuupiid! Why you so stupid?" And when other staff come in to help cook, we started berating them for being stupid too. They don't take it as well, somehow.

Last night was the last night of the session and we stayed up til 3 am making cinnamon rolls. Needless to say, there was a lot of stupid name calling given that we were falling over with exhaustion.

This is us at the end of our night. It took us a while to get this picture... we were not functioning very well.
Besides being stupid, we've been taking many gimpy pictures.
Here we are dressed for backwards day earlier in the session, serving up some pizza at 7 am.
Step one of confusing the campers as much as possible.

We have to leave the kitchen shutters open or else we will boil to death, so we had to put 
up tape and signs to stop everyone from asking us what's for dinner. 
BEANS! That is all.
Anyways, that was just a brief glimpse into the exciting camp cookin' life. The session is over now and we're done cooking for the next few weeks. The two weeks went by extremely fast, probably helped by our 3 day backpacking trip in Monongahela/ break from cooking.
Next up: a nap!! followed by HP 7.2 at the drive-in with camp tomorrow!

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